Because I miss so many aspects of my life in NYC, I have been trying to keep myself as busy as humanly possible. While the call for photography is greatly diminished here in Edmonton, I have been working as Security/Bouncer at Buddy's, a local gay club, on the weekends and working at Starbucks (in addtion to getting paid, I get a free pound of coffee every week and a 30% discount on all the lattes I drink - hahaha) during the weekdays.
However I was dealt a completely unexpected turn of events last night. Jim Brown, the owner of Buddy's/Woody's and Steamworks, offered me the position of Club Manager of Buddy's. I am in a complete quandry as to whether I should take the job or not. It's a lot more responsibility and I am certain it will detract from me doing photography and could also greatly affect my time with Dustin. Suffice to say, I am weighing the entire situation out. I am interested though and gawd knows I have spent most of my adult life in nightclubs in one way or another. However, hours, responsibilities, time off, (and money) will decide all this for me. I meet with him again tomorrow on these very issues.
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