Had a very successful photo shoot today with Rob, who approached me online to find out what type of photos I did. After giving him my website, he replied that he loved my work and had considered posing for some time, so he would be willing to be a subject if I was interested in shooting him. I was.
When I arrived at Rob's apartment, I was unprepared for just how beautiful this man's eyes were -- they reminded me of a wolf's, that incredible icy-tinted, cold blue. We had just enough time that I was able to use direct daylight in trying to capture the true color. Afterwards we continued the shoot on a very complimentary blue sofa until we completely ran out of light. In shooting Rob, what I especially loved (in addition to his willingness and enthusiasm) was the lightness of his skin, how it contrasted with his dark hair and the high-color flush of his cheeks, all set off with those hypnotic blue eyes.
I had a specific concept how I wanted to shoot Rob: white shirt and tie, and although we started exploring the idea, I never got what I wanted. I will be going back to his apartment earlier in the afternoon next time so that we have more daylight (I'll also bring a lighting kit too). Until then, here's a few of the shots.

Here is Rob's response to this post:
HOLY SHIT! you are the biggest fucking sweetheart. thankyou not for the photography but for the words you chose to describe me... the pics are beautiful and really Jackson thankyou for the amazing person you are.
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