Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

Finally saw the movie, Brokeback Mountain, with Dustin. I was prepared for a gay cowboy love story, what I wasn't prepared for was the reality, the despair, the depth of sadness and ultimately how disturbed this film would leave me.

It's almost 24 hours later now that I'm posting this and moments of the movie are still reverberating in my head, it packs a wicked punch. I still feel a little emotionally raw from the whole experience and I keep replaying scenes in my mind wanting them to somehow come out differently. Brokeback Mountain doesn't just tell you about regret, yearning, despair -- it makes you feel it! And, I identify very strongly with its underlying theme how life and lives can be completely wasted when people fear consequences, the judgement of others, and cannot find it in themselves to live a truthful life. For anyone that has been in the closet, they know how this can be one of the worst sadnesses. I haven't been impacted like this because of a movie since "It's My Party" which nearly psychologically disabled me for four days. Dustin also had a profound experience with Brokeback Mountain (which he jokingly called Bareback Mountain) although his reaction was completely different but equally, if not more, intense.

I don't want to say much about the story or specific details for anyone that actually reads this, because I think the best way to experience this film and get the most out of it, is to see it without knowing what journey the characters are going to take you on and "enjoy" (not the best word) how the storyline unfolds.

On a brighter note, the cinematography in this film is wonderful with breathtaking panoramas of the Alberta (where I am right now) Rockie Mountains and wilderness. Even the desolate towns and farms look amazing. All in all, everything contributes in delivering this movie's subtle/not-so-subtle effect.

Huge credit to Ang Lee (would I ever like to sit down and talk to this guy) for crafting such a beautiful film -- this is storytelling at its finest. It's a great movie (and deserved all 4 of the Golden Globes it won, especially Best Picture) but not one that I can honestly say you walk out saying "Oh wow, I really liked that!" However, I know I'll see this movie again (just not right away).

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