Humorous anecdote: I wandered by Starbucks in the very upscale Plaza Angel only to find it had been closed due to some sort of violations, I presume health. Whatever it was, they closed it immediately as there was still pastries in the case. God knows for how long. The mall security guard wouldn't let me get a photo of the door plastered with closed notices so I had to go out on the street to get the shot.

In the afternoon I was visited by my favorite Mexican model, Rodrigo, who sporting a new blond hairdo, was as handsome as ever. We made plans to do a shoot on Sunday, hopefully in his new apartment (which he assured me has wonderful light) providing his landlord will give him the keys.

In the evening I was supposed to meet a new friend and go to the 3rd Anniversary of Boy Bar but unceremoniously got stood up - a not so subtle reminder that people here are quickly becoming more like Americans and Canadians than I care for. Undaunted, I decided to go to one of my failsafe haunts El Taller, it was quieter than usual for a Friday night, but it was raining quite hard which may have affected it. As always, I was quite obviously the stranger, and received countless furtive glances. A few brave souls managed to muster up the courage to come over and talk to me (followed by very overt propositions) but I was content to have a couple Sol and make my way back to Hotel Ambar. Plus, I had to be up early, if I can figure out what time it really is, for a photo shoot with Carlos.
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