Teshonda and Sasha, Soul Food Restaurant, Harlem, 2005

After leaving Teshonda & Sasha, walking home, my right palm started to itch. So far that is a guaranteed sign that unexpected money is coming my way. I know this sounds ridiculous and superstitious but it is yet to be wrong. Case in point: I got home and received a call from Seattle, that both my photographs that had been selected from over 900 entries as part of the 2005 Seattle Erotic Arts Festival had sold in exhibition. Which is great news -- hopefully it'll give me some leverage for participation in future shows there and elsewhere. Also it'll buy me that new Nikon D70 (insert ear to ear grin here).
I must say that it was the intensity and charisma of the model Angelo, who was the subject of both shots, that made those two images what they were. Neither would have been nearly as powerful with any other model and for that I thank him more than he knows. He now resides in Barcelona and not so secretly, I long for the day that I will be able to do another shoot with him.

Kissed By An Angel, Harlem, 2003

Tango d'Angelo, Harlem, 2003

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