Monday, April 18, 2005

Monday, April 18 - Good News & The Itchy Palm

Had a really nice afternoon having coffee and lots of laughs with my best friend here in NYC, Teshonda and her daughter Sasha. Sasha is three now and a remarkably beautiful little girl and such a princess too. She's a typical little girl and can turn the taps on in a second's notice until she gets her way, then that huge smile returns. As I said to Teshonda, she's getting everything back in spades with this child. Needless to say Teshonda responded with "Oh no you didn't".

Teshonda and Sasha, Soul Food Restaurant, Harlem, 2005 Posted by Hello

After leaving Teshonda & Sasha, walking home, my right palm started to itch. So far that is a guaranteed sign that unexpected money is coming my way. I know this sounds ridiculous and superstitious but it is yet to be wrong. Case in point: I got home and received a call from Seattle, that both my photographs that had been selected from over 900 entries as part of the 2005 Seattle Erotic Arts Festival had sold in exhibition. Which is great news -- hopefully it'll give me some leverage for participation in future shows there and elsewhere. Also it'll buy me that new Nikon D70 (insert ear to ear grin here).

I must say that it was the intensity and charisma of the model Angelo, who was the subject of both shots, that made those two images what they were. Neither would have been nearly as powerful with any other model and for that I thank him more than he knows. He now resides in Barcelona and not so secretly, I long for the day that I will be able to do another shoot with him.

Kissed By An Angel, Harlem, 2003 Posted by Hello

Tango d'Angelo, Harlem, 2003 Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Sunday, April 17 - Me Be Smart, Me Thinks.

Took an IQ test this morning online: here was my results.

Your IQ score is 140

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Wednesday, April 13 - Artists and Prostitutes

Had breakfast with my new pal Blake at 2nd Avenue Deli (a lot the lights are burnt out and all that remain are 2 N A - which if you read phonetically becomes "tuna", stupid yes but it made me laugh). After pounding bagels, cream cheese, and blintzes right into the left ventricle, we proceeded down to the Dietch Gallery on Wooster street to take in the David LaChapelle retrospective "Artists and Prostitutes" (soon to be a book) that closes this Saturday. I had seen most of the 500 photos which were projected on 3 oversized screens.

Amanda Lapore in performance at Marquee (and yes, she's naked), NYC 2005 Posted by Hello

What absolutely killed me though was the Heatherette video that featured a crazed Amanda Lapore (who I've shot twice in the last week) applying pink lipstick (to her entire body) and then riding along the freeway as a hood ornament. Genius!

Something else that was weirdly appropriate is that while we (there was only 3 or 4 of us in the gallery) were watching the show, an acrobat much like those from Cirque du Soleil or Anti-Gravity, came in proceed to rehearse an entire routine on a huge strip of fabric/cloth that was suspended from the ceiling. Go figure!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Blue (the kitchen series) Harlem, NYC 2005 Posted by Hello

Blue (the kitchen series) Harlem, NYC 2005 Posted by Hello

Blue (the kitchen series), Harlem studio, NYC 2005 Posted by Hello

Blue, Harlem studio, NYC 2005 Posted by Hello

Blue, Harlem studio, NYC 2005 Posted by Hello

Blue, Harlem studio, NYC 2005 Posted by Hello

Blue, Harlem studio, NYC 2005 Posted by Hello

Blue, Harlem studio, NYC 2005 Posted by Hello

Monday, April 11 - my Blue day

Spent the day photographing and getting to know an incredible model, named Blue. One of the good things about being a paparazzi-style photographer covering NYC nightlife is that you never know who you will cross paths with. That's just the case with Blue. I met him at Boysroom (a lower East Side club) last week when I was there shooting for NEXT magazine. As I say to everyone "I have a good eye!" (just the one actually as the other one doesn't really work since I damaged the cornea several years ago. There's no real vision there, well there is but, it's like looking through a piece of Saran wrap coated in vaseline) and I knew instantly that he'd make beautiful images. What I didn't know at that time was how connected and quickly Blue and I would bond. He's very complex, very talented, very creative and very real. I couldn't help but like him. He's a former fashion model, with a "look" and physique that truly inspires me. The more shots I took of him the more shots I wanted to take. I can see this man becoming my new muse. And from all accounts the feeling is reciprocated as he expressed the desire to work together extensively. We have another shoot set for Thursday, April 14.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Thursday, April 7 -

Woke up this morning with a miserable cough and totally congested. I'm not sure if it's one of those change of season colds or if this is allergies and an indicator of what I have to look forward to with hayfever this year, in which case I'm really in for it. I cancelled all my shoots and appointments and spent the day overdosing on juice and liquids. What fun! Woo hoo.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Wednesday, April 6 - Things That Make You Go Ha Ha

These are some of the things that made me smile today:

Being able to walk around outside without a coat.

The headline on the New York Post: "PUSSY" BUSTED

Finding a great little coffee shop on the Lower East Side called: 88 Orchard

Watching the devious little six or seven year old Afrikaner (blue black skin) girl on the subway secretly apply shiny lip gloss to her younger brother's lips while he rested his head on his Dad's shoulder. Then she smiled a most devilish, mischievous grin revealing that she had absolutely no front teeth.

Reading the entries on the Fetus Spears blog. The About Me section is perhaps the funniest of all.
