I just wanted to take this moment and say thank to all the people who sponsored me for this year's AIDS Walk for Life. As it turned out I managed to bring in over $1200 and exceeded my personal goal of $1,000 for the fourth year in a row -- all because of the generosity of the following people:
Lucy Ball
Amanda Clements-Harvey
Marilyn Kay
Rica Thompson
Sydia Newman-Henry
Sheena Misenas
Leanne Janzen
Tyra Armstrong
Rose Westover
Shannon Klappstein
Cindy Gange-Harris
Brendon Venter
Kyla Elsworth
Jen Alabiso
Karen Campos
Roz Zulla
Kyla Tichkowsky
Nat Hurley
David Ushko
Ted Kerr
Jessica Cross
David Camisa
Cody Michie
Amanda Sykes
Christine Clarke
Frank & Mary Jackson
Paul Vitale
Gene Hammond
John Wright
Cijay Morgan
Bradley Courtney
Katie Cheung
Joseph Lema
Jennifer Katz
Kelley Mcdermott
Rebecca New
Stephanie Hample
Laura Martin
Antonio Sousa
Ken Hample
Angela Murray
David Low
Daryn Grassick
Andrea Rabinovitch
Rob Browatzke
Julia Richards
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Together we are making our world a better place!
On behalf of HIV Edmonton, THANX.
Until next year.

You are welcome