Saturday, May 12, 2007

Analyze this!

Here is but one of the many dreams that I had last night. I am in a tug-of-war with an almost full-grown lion or tiger (not quite sure which, or maybe it was both) cub over meat. What seemed to start off as just a large bone in the scramble to keep possession of it turned into a full roast-sized piece of meat by the time the lion/tiger finally won possession of it. I felt I couldn't challenge the animal any more because it was still "wild" even though I really did what to control it. But I also let it have that piece because I knew I had a full-side of beef size piece of meat put away where the lion/tiger couldn't get at it. Make any sense to you? It actually all makes sense to me. Scary huh.

I also had another dream where I was showing someone a very large tank (think aquarium only bigger) where sharks were hiding under/amidst the sea plantlife. I was using a wooden chair to show them how the sharks would attack, which a large one did, once you started poking around. I can't remember much more of this one so it doesn't make nearly as much sense to me.

There was also an elevator dream which ended with a short french woman and I running through a parkade to evade the other passengers who were in pursuit because we hadn't held the elevator for them. Well it was more complicated than that but you get the idea. Signficant factor the elevator was going down.

Anyway I'd be happy to hear anyone's idea what they think this all might mean or if you are into dream intrepretation at all I'd like to hear what all the images symbolize. Or maybe not.

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