Thursday, August 11, 2005

The type of news you never want!

Received the following email today from my roommate Eva and needless to say my heart dropped.

I want to let you know that we had an electrical fire last night
at the apartment. The boys (AJ & Michael) were home and noticed the fuse box glowing red and called 911 so the damage seems minimal to the space. The buffet got scratched up and the firemen made a hole into the studio to put out the wires that were on fire. Wallace said it will be fixed because we have no electricity at all now. I will keep you posted. I couldn't really see enough in the dark last night to tell. It was mostly the hallway that got messed up. The boys said we had been having weird brown outs for days and that is w/o most of the appliances on. I am glad they were home.

I'm terribly thankful that no one was hurt and that there appears that there wasn't too much damage, but am desperate to hear that all my negatives and film, that are stored in the studio, are alright. I'll post more as I hear.

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