Wednesday, August 31, 2005
What kind of country is the United States when rescue and relief can't even be assured within its own borders? It is a sad day in American history when survivors of hurricane Katrina are left stranded and to die without food, water or shelter. America the beautiful? (And if I hear on the news one more time that "the government is stepping in..." I'll scream - where has the Federal fucking government been this past week? No TV or newspapers fellas? Shameful!)
Monday, August 29, 2005
Are all the hurricanes God's way of telling Florida that he's really really pissed with Govenor Jeb Bush?
Sunday, August 28, 2005
WHY, in the year 2005, if we scientifically know that cigarettes kill over one-half million Americans, and millions of other people worldwide, do Americans continue to grow tobacco?
Sunday, August 21, 2005
SIX FEET UNDER (2001-2005)

Said a sad goodbye tonight to one of my all-time favourite TV series, Six Feet Under. I'm definitely going to miss this show -- it was visually ravishing, clever, dark, witty, cutting-edge, and yet in so many ways completely true to life. Although the final montage seemed more stilted than the traditionally shocking sequences of how characters usually shuffle off their mortal coil -- in fairness, it did still manage to sneak in several trademark moments of surprise, humor, and incredible camerawork. Notwithstanding, the final episode seemed a suitable send off to what will undoubtedly become classic TV.
It was because of this series that I discovered such photographers as Gregory Crewdson who was talked about as part of the storyline in one of the episodes and then went on to actually shoot the promotional/advertising photos for the 2003 season (pictured above).
I loved the fact that the character Claire was an aspiring photographer, which needless to say, I identified with on many, many levels and none more poignantly the series finale where she starts taking nude photos of her very cute boyfriend and ironically it was set in bed with white sheets (check my website for the parallels on that coincidence.) I was also moved by the dialogue/writing where she explains how she wants to be an artist but isn't sure if she has what it takes -- an insecurity I readily identify with. It was quite humorous that Claire ends up moving to New York City to pursue her career. I appreciated the fact that as a photographer, an occupation Claire was truly passionate about, means that she gets to live to the ripe old age of 102! Let's hope that life really does imitate art.
"You only get one life. There's no god, no rules, no judgment except for those you accept or create for yourself and once it's over, it over. Dreamless sleep forever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here. Really -- why not?"[fade to white]
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Top 10 Ways to Spot A FREAK on the Internet
1. If he/she says "I love you" in the first IM or email.
2. If he/she says they can "see the two of you spending the rest of your lives together" before you have even met.
3. If he/she wants you to quit having sex with other people until the two of you can finally meet and consummate the act.
4. If he/she starts telling you that he/she has had other online affairs but amazingly somehow you're different because you are really the "right one" and this time it's "going to work".
5. If he/she tells you how all the other people have been terrible and cruel to them by doing a variety of unmentionable things -- from ignoring them to cheating on them to theft and even violence.
6. If he/she offers to buy/send you things before they've "known" (and I use the term loosely) you for a week.
7. If he/she asks "Have you told other people about me?" by your second conversation.
8. If he/she has mood swings because you haven't been online for several hours.
9. If he/she feels compelled to tell you about all the bad things they've done including but not limited to: their illegal or legal drug use, unsafe sex, driving drunk, etc.
10. If he/she sends you endless jpegs of themselves coupled with the comment how these infamous "other people" all find him/her sexy, attractive, desirable or just basically hot.
Any of this sound familiar Philip?
2. If he/she says they can "see the two of you spending the rest of your lives together" before you have even met.
3. If he/she wants you to quit having sex with other people until the two of you can finally meet and consummate the act.
4. If he/she starts telling you that he/she has had other online affairs but amazingly somehow you're different because you are really the "right one" and this time it's "going to work".
5. If he/she tells you how all the other people have been terrible and cruel to them by doing a variety of unmentionable things -- from ignoring them to cheating on them to theft and even violence.
6. If he/she offers to buy/send you things before they've "known" (and I use the term loosely) you for a week.
7. If he/she asks "Have you told other people about me?" by your second conversation.
8. If he/she has mood swings because you haven't been online for several hours.
9. If he/she feels compelled to tell you about all the bad things they've done including but not limited to: their illegal or legal drug use, unsafe sex, driving drunk, etc.
10. If he/she sends you endless jpegs of themselves coupled with the comment how these infamous "other people" all find him/her sexy, attractive, desirable or just basically hot.
Any of this sound familiar Philip?
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Photo Shoot with Sando

As I so seldomly do photo shoots here in Edmonton, I was thrilled to have come across Sando online. Initially I was interested in photographing his tattoo, which I found unique; a) in that it was only type, b) it's placement and c) I truthfully liked the message -- "courage my love". However, when I met him in person I could see that he was going to be a really good model too. Needless to say, I'm hoping to do a subsequent shoot with him.

Friday, August 12, 2005
The type of news you DO want!
Happy to report NOTHING in your studio was hurt. We had to move a few boxes on the rack to let the firemen feel the wall for heat (and they poked a small hole in it) but only drywall droppings were the extent of the damage. I was told from the electrician that the fuses were old and loose PLUS the fact a useless doorbell was pushing in the wires that it was just a matter of time. Luckily we now have new fuses and all looks good – electricity seems more stable, less dim lights.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
The type of news you never want!
Received the following email today from my roommate Eva and needless to say my heart dropped.
I'm terribly thankful that no one was hurt and that there appears that there wasn't too much damage, but am desperate to hear that all my negatives and film, that are stored in the studio, are alright. I'll post more as I hear.
I want to let you know that we had an electrical fire last night
at the apartment. The boys (AJ & Michael) were home and noticed the fuse box glowing red and called 911 so the damage seems minimal to the space. The buffet got scratched up and the firemen made a hole into the studio to put out the wires that were on fire. Wallace said it will be fixed because we have no electricity at all now. I will keep you posted. I couldn't really see enough in the dark last night to tell. It was mostly the hallway that got messed up. The boys said we had been having weird brown outs for days and that is w/o most of the appliances on. I am glad they were home.
I'm terribly thankful that no one was hurt and that there appears that there wasn't too much damage, but am desperate to hear that all my negatives and film, that are stored in the studio, are alright. I'll post more as I hear.
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