Thursday, December 13, 2012

Viva La Revolucion!

Because of my model, Mauricio Rossi, being friends with the owner and manager of La Revolucion Sportsbar in Puerto Vallarta, we ended up doing a subsequent shoot the day after our calendar shoot.  

We shot at the actual restaurant/bar and also enlisted one of the waitresses, Fabiola, who was stunning.  

The shoot was envisioned to be a traditional take on the Mexican way of life -- hot sexy boy/hot sexy girl and booze.  I guess when you think about it, it's actually quite a universal axiom.  Anyhow, it was a quick and fun session which I imagine the owners Luis and Antonio will use the images on Facebook and other social media sites.  

If I was creaitng the ad, it would read:
Viva La Revolucion ... where the drinks are ice cold and the crowd is sizzling hot!


models: mauricio and fabiola
 makeup: Max Albertos

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Calendar photo shoot with Mauricio Rossi

model: mauricio rossi
styling/photo assistant: max albertos
location: vallarta botanical gardens
